Well, I've been writing fairly consistent. At least 200 words/day. Not as good as I'd like, but better than nothing. Of course, life has stepped in again.
My filly is 2 and 1/2 years old, now, and seriously needs to begin her training. That means moving her down here. Unfortunately, the job I was trying for didn't want me and I'm back to the hunting scene. Worse, my car is on the frits so I need to stick with something in town. Ha! Lets just say I have better luck with my web design than finding an in-town job. That's ok, everything in strides. I've lowered some prices, created some new business cards, and have submitted to search engines. Now all I can do it wait.
But that's not why you are reading this, is it? I didn't think so; so on to the writing!
My historical decided to spit something back at me. The character I added to the plot to give the main characters... friction, has decided he doesn't like that roll. Well, fine! I decided to throw him into the second half of the story; concerned about one sister, in love with a close friend, and accused of sniffing at the main heroine's skirts! If he wasn't so noble, he'd probably have a few less bruises. But that's ok, the 'friend' needs something to yell at him about. I still haven't figured out exactly why the villain is doing what he is, well, doing. -sigh- I wish he would just tell me.
The Fantasy is doing ok, too. I've come up with ideas for 4 more stories after this one, with the possibility of a 5th. What's great is that the ideas are flowing like water! My notebook is full of plot summaries, character sketches, and notes. And the first story is moving nicely, too. I now know why the hero is what he is, how the heroine got to be in her position, and how they meet. I also know who the villain is, though I don't know everything about him as of yet. He's quite mean.
Right now the sun is warming up the orange blossoms on the tree out side my window, and the wind -cool yet warm- is bringing it into my room. It's very pleasant and thought inspiring; time to write!
Happy Writing,
Amber Jennell
April 26, 2005
A Little Set Back
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April 14, 2005
A Little Update
Well, my idea is flowing nicely (I just love when that happens). I also got my domain: AmberJennell.com! Yay! Now I can be professional like. LOL If you haven't noticed, I'm extremely happy it was still available. I don't think I've ever heard of a book published by an Amber Jennell, so... Of course, I don't have it set up with my writing page, only my web design page. But that's ok, The Gilded Pen (my writing page) will be up sooner or latter. And with a contest, too. I'm planning on giving away a couple of Harlequin books as a grand opening prize. Sounds good, hu?
My forum is about ready. You can visit it by going to this link: http://www.forumbolt.com/?mforum=thegildedpen Let me know what you think! I've also uploaded some more images to my shop: http://www.cafepress.com/lighthearted. I know there not much, but hopefully they'll help pay for my TGP domain.
Now that I've bragged a little (about my new domain, my site, and my forum) I'm off to write. I've dedicated 3 hours to writing, and it's almost time to start! Besides, my character is having fun and that's always nice.
Happy Writing,
My forum is about ready. You can visit it by going to this link: http://www.forumbolt.com/?mforum=thegildedpen Let me know what you think! I've also uploaded some more images to my shop: http://www.cafepress.com/lighthearted. I know there not much, but hopefully they'll help pay for my TGP domain.
Now that I've bragged a little (about my new domain, my site, and my forum) I'm off to write. I've dedicated 3 hours to writing, and it's almost time to start! Besides, my character is having fun and that's always nice.
Happy Writing,
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April 10, 2005
A good swift... Kick!
So much for my writer's competition. For the month of March, my muse had fled and I failed to write a single word towards my 50k goal. -Sigh- I guess that happens. There where things I could have done; forced my self to write, rewrote/revised sections of my story, or jumped into something new, but I didn't feel like it. Such a scary thought, that. I did not feel like writing. Just typing the words makes me shudder. All things considered, I have been out of sorts. I've been spending the month job hunting, and since I don't have a car I've only been applying to in-town positions, which limits my options quite a bit. I've also been working on my web page. Created some new web sets and such, as well as applying for my domain name.
Since it is a new month - ok, the second week of a new month - I've decided to jump start my writing. For three hours a day (no excuses) I will be writing. Writing, writing, and nothing but writing. If I am lucky, this will give me that little boost I need to get down to business. Besides, it's not like I have nothing to write about. The story to my LUNA is still workable, and I have even come up with a prequel short story. Now all I need to do is decide which aspect I want to use. Perhaps I'll use them both and see which one turns out the best. You never know, I may decide to turn one of them in to the sequel (always a nice possibility).
As another excuse to get my writing back on track, I've been picking up books and reading them (something I hadn't not done last month - shame on me). Since I haven't been in the mood for anything specific, I've been reading everything. Just this morning I finished Shari Anton's "Knave of Hearts". Well, there's a spark! Oh, drat, but in the direction of Medieval Historicals, not fantasy. Of course, I just received my copy of Sarah Zettel's "For Camelot's Honor". That should push me in the write direction.
Happy writing,
Amber Jennell
P.S. (yes, I am adding a post script to my blogg entry)
If anybody is interested in a web set/ or re-design of a current web site, feel free to visit my site: http://amberjennell.tripod.com. I am offering a 10% discount to all my loyal blogg readers. Yes, that means you!! Don't you feel special?
Since it is a new month - ok, the second week of a new month - I've decided to jump start my writing. For three hours a day (no excuses) I will be writing. Writing, writing, and nothing but writing. If I am lucky, this will give me that little boost I need to get down to business. Besides, it's not like I have nothing to write about. The story to my LUNA is still workable, and I have even come up with a prequel short story. Now all I need to do is decide which aspect I want to use. Perhaps I'll use them both and see which one turns out the best. You never know, I may decide to turn one of them in to the sequel (always a nice possibility).
As another excuse to get my writing back on track, I've been picking up books and reading them (something I hadn't not done last month - shame on me). Since I haven't been in the mood for anything specific, I've been reading everything. Just this morning I finished Shari Anton's "Knave of Hearts". Well, there's a spark! Oh, drat, but in the direction of Medieval Historicals, not fantasy. Of course, I just received my copy of Sarah Zettel's "For Camelot's Honor". That should push me in the write direction.
Happy writing,
Amber Jennell
P.S. (yes, I am adding a post script to my blogg entry)
If anybody is interested in a web set/ or re-design of a current web site, feel free to visit my site: http://amberjennell.tripod.com. I am offering a 10% discount to all my loyal blogg readers. Yes, that means you!! Don't you feel special?
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