Well, I've been writing fairly consistent. At least 200 words/day. Not as good as I'd like, but better than nothing. Of course, life has stepped in again.
My filly is 2 and 1/2 years old, now, and seriously needs to begin her training. That means moving her down here. Unfortunately, the job I was trying for didn't want me and I'm back to the hunting scene. Worse, my car is on the frits so I need to stick with something in town. Ha! Lets just say I have better luck with my web design than finding an in-town job. That's ok, everything in strides. I've lowered some prices, created some new business cards, and have submitted to search engines. Now all I can do it wait.
But that's not why you are reading this, is it? I didn't think so; so on to the writing!
My historical decided to spit something back at me. The character I added to the plot to give the main characters... friction, has decided he doesn't like that roll. Well, fine! I decided to throw him into the second half of the story; concerned about one sister, in love with a close friend, and accused of sniffing at the main heroine's skirts! If he wasn't so noble, he'd probably have a few less bruises. But that's ok, the 'friend' needs something to yell at him about. I still haven't figured out exactly why the villain is doing what he is, well, doing. -sigh- I wish he would just tell me.
The Fantasy is doing ok, too. I've come up with ideas for 4 more stories after this one, with the possibility of a 5th. What's great is that the ideas are flowing like water! My notebook is full of plot summaries, character sketches, and notes. And the first story is moving nicely, too. I now know why the hero is what he is, how the heroine got to be in her position, and how they meet. I also know who the villain is, though I don't know everything about him as of yet. He's quite mean.
Right now the sun is warming up the orange blossoms on the tree out side my window, and the wind -cool yet warm- is bringing it into my room. It's very pleasant and thought inspiring; time to write!
Happy Writing,
Amber Jennell
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