November 1, 2008

All write! Let's go!!

November is here which means it's once again time to pull out the pencil and paper and attempt too get that book written! Why, you may ask? It's National Novel Writer's Month. (Pchh, as if you need to be reminded!) That's right, as of 12am this morning, NaNoWriMo has begun! This will be my 4th year participating and I will be successful. I will finish this year! 50,000 words isn't so bad. That's only about 1,700 a day. I can do it, I just know I can!

In other... well, I guess it's not news but rather stuff, here's a little fun for ya. Figure out what way the lady is spinning. The answer is between these two brakets. {She's spinning left or right! It just depends with what side of the brain you are using ;-)}

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October 4, 2008

X-Mass Already?!

Ok, so Christmas isn't for another 80 some-odd days but seeing as how I'm a 'starving artist' and plan to make my gifts, I need to get started now. Before you think I'm miserly and don't believe I'm broke-as-can-be, let me put it to you this way: When you receive a gift from someone that was personally made for you (colors, design, and materials all picked for you) you know that person put some real thought into the gift. It doesn't matter if it only cost $4. It's not the price but the thought that counts. Besides, when more than half the items on todays market are not only environmentally UN-friendly, they're all exported goods made and manufactured in another country with very little or no money going to the people who actually build/make it, why would you want to buy anything other than handmade?

That all having been said, on to the list!

I currently have 9 scarfs to knit. 3 will be fashion scarfs and the rest thick, functional scarfs for cold winter days. I'm not sure if I want to use this pattern or this pattern for the fashion scarfs, though.
I would also like to make 3 braided rugs. 1 small, and two medium. These shouldn't be all that hard, despite the fact that I have never made a braided rug before, but I'm optimistic! {LINK}
I don't know what I'm going to do for 'the boys'. They're a tough one and require some major think time!

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September 29, 2008

Pink for October

If you haven't noticed things have gotten a little... pink around here. That's because October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So for the month of October my personal accounts (blog, Twitter, and MySpace) as well as The Gilded Pen, have all gone pink! I've left everything the way it was (background, layout, etc) and just tinted everything pink to give it a bigger impact. It takes a bit of getting used to, but I like it.

Each year it is estimated that 200,000 woman will be diagnosed with breast cancer. If that wasn't bad enough, it is also estimated that 40,000 women will die. Many people believe that breast cancer is only associated with woman, but they would be wrong. Approximately 1,700 men are diagnosed each year and 450 will die. Wow. An approximate 40,450 people will DIE this year from breast cancer alone. That means one out of every 1,513 people will get breast cancer, while 1 out of every 7,547 people will die from it in the US alone. IN ONE YEAR!

But don't be afraid! Studies have shown that as little as 4 hours a week of physical activity (which pumps up the immune system and lowers estrogen levels) can lower your risk. Don't for get to eat a nutritious, low-fat diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables as well, which can also lower your risk of breast cancer! And the best tool for early detection for both men and women is the monthly self exam. Self examination accounts for nearly 70% of early detection which in turn accounts for a 5 year survival rate of 96%.

Read more about breast cancer awareness and join Pink for October to help spread the word! You can also download the following images and background to help spread the word.

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September 28, 2008

Goals for the Week

Taking a page from Meroko and posting my goals for the week. Since I plan on keeping track of them I'm posting them here instead of to Twitter. I'm also posting them here because my list is much too long for Twitter's 140 character allowance.

So here it is, my to-do list for the week of Sep. 29th to Oct 4th (with Sunday as my back-up/catch-up day ^^)

- Drop 2 lbs.
- Write 5,000+ words for DW
- Walk 30+ mins every morning (with this cold, I doubt I'll do this one)
- Walk the river at least twice (not associated with the above goal)
- Finish Any Given Doomsday by Lori Handeland and The Devil Wears Tartan by Karen Ranney
- Write reviews for both of them as well as 4 others.
- Work on book covers to add to my portfolio.

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September 23, 2008

A Whole Bag of Back Reading

To say my reading habits have been blown to dust would be an understatement. In the past two months I have started--and not finished--8 books. That makes this years total jump up to 13. It's getting to be very annoying. So my plan for the next month or so is to read those 13 books. There is no reason why I stopped reading them. Most of them where--are--very good books that I rather liked. But I stopped.

So expect mini reviews for the following books. So if you don't see them withing the next couple of months feel free to pressure me just a little bit.

Books I WILL read

Temptation of the Warrior by Margo Maquire {WIR Post}
Mr. Cavendish, I Presume by Julia Quinn {WIR Post}
Before I wake by Kathryn Smith {WIR Post}
Seduced by Sin by Kimberly Logan
Hidden by Eve Kenin
Eternal Pleasure by Nina Bangs
Weddings Can Be Murder by Christie Craig
Let the Night Begin by Kathryn Smith
The Edge of Desire by Stephanie Laurens
The Matchmaker of Perigord by Julia Stuart {WIR Post}
This Year's Model by Carol Alt
Seduction of a Proper Gentleman by Victoria Alexander
The Devil Wears Tartan
by Karen Ranney {WIR Post}

This post will be edited in the future only to show which books I have finished

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September 15, 2008

Lessons by the River

I went walking along the river today with mom and the dog and realized 3 things. First: I'm really not that great with a camera. I took quite a bit of shots and only came up with 4 for this blog. Blah. Maybe it's not me so much as the camera it's self.. Second: It really isn't that easy to get a dog into the water when she really doesn't want to. We tried this last time and she would have none of it. This time we had treats and after I got intreat in hand, of courseit still took quite a bit of time and urging for her to get her feet wet. No pun intended. And lastly, third: The sun burns. Oh, sure, I know this one alreadylearned it at a young age, I betbut when the sun is beating down on your already fried scalp and your lips are so chapped it hurts to smile, I believe you learn your lesson a little bit more. That or it gets pounded into your thick skull until you do.

It wasn't a horrible day. Quite the opposite, really. Walking on top of all those river rocksnot a single one solid ground, mind youfor an hour or two causes you to use muscles you would normally not use unless you had a regular gym membership. It was all quite a sight, though. The watter level had dropped a few weeks earlier due to the closing of the dam so there where a number of things to see even if we didn't want to see them, and the fishy smell was gone, so it was really quite pleasant.

We only have about two months left before the rainy season starts, so we're planning on coming down every other day or so. I'm sure my thighs will be nice and strong by Thanksgiving. How the heck am I going to keep them that way through the winter?!

That log in the upper-most picture, BTW, is normally completely covered by watter in the summer. I need to go down again to take a picture of the hallow inside. Really freaky!

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September 14, 2008

TSS - Last Minute Post

The Sunday Salon.comSo, technically, it's still Sunday on my end of the globe. 11:35. Nearly so, anyways.

I just wanted to make a quick post and let you guys know I am reading. Despite my lack of posting, I am reading. This Sunday I've been reading The Edge of Desire by Stephanie Laurens. I'm not far enough into it yet to give my opinion, though. Well, I guess I can give my opinion any darn time I wish, but at this point it wouldn't be all that... informed, I guess.

I've really been working on The Gilded Pen this past week. I have a number or reviews I need to rewrite and upload as well as some kinks in the design to iron out. Once all that's done I'm thinking of redesigning the site into something with a bit more white space. It all looks a bit cluttered to me, but what do I know, I've been staring at the darn thing for the past two months.

11:42. Ok, I'm done. Time for bed before I pass out and have keyboard-face in the morning.

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September 13, 2008

Nick and Nora

I'm staying up late tonight working on the blog again (like my new layout?) and watching Saturday Night Live. That is between commercials, that is.I'm watching those, too, especially when previews like the one for Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist comes on. It's been so long I forgot all about this one but it's just too hilarious to not pass on. I still haven't read the book, yet, even though it's been out for a while (I think it came out a year or two ago) so I need to get my hands on that. {You can visit the book's homepage here}

I plan on seeing the movie. It's just too funny for words. How bout you? Looks good, hu?

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September 9, 2008

Clock Tower Lives Again!

The mother, sister, and I all went for a long walk today. It's been a while, really, since we all went for a walk like this but with the puppy around we finally had an excuse other than our health. I've wanted to walk around down-town for a while now to complete my collection of pictures of the replica Zuckweiler clock tower. The original tower (as pictured here) burned down in 1984. It was a town landmark who's image is used on everything even the town emblem so it had to be rebuilt. And I managed to get some shots, though I'm a bit bummed that I didn't think about it before they started building it.

The area is now known as the Cone & Kimball Plaza Clocktower and Park. The tower looks a little tilted because of the way the road tilts. When I was taking the pictures I tried to stand as straight as possible, but I was going along with the curve of the road. The tower was completed in 2008.

The tower is rather interesting to see in person. It's 75ft tall (the original was 100ft) and rather modern. I think it would have been neat to see the tower made into some sort of informational monument with the base enclosed with little windows looking in on town and county historic information. And the digital chime is just annoying. Instead of playing the traditional clock chime, it midi-style renditions of songs. So very corny.

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September 2, 2008

No More Midnight Sun

It looks like some dumb as- er, jerk, uploaded and distributed a draft copy of Stephanie Meyer's MIDNIGHT SUN (the final book in her TWILIGHT series). Pissed off, as she has a right to be, Meyer has refused to publish the book and is instead offering the partial online free on her website. This is both really cool of her and a bummer for book fans as it looks like the book will no longer be published. Ever (though I'm sure with fans clambering for their own personal copy of the book, it will be published sooner or latter).

BREAKING DAWN was released this last August and concludes the story of Bella and Edward. MIDNIGHT SUN is the final book in the seires, re-telling the series through Edward's eyes.

And just so people know, this is a SERIES not a SAGA. A saga fallows a family through several stories mostly from historic times to present (grandmother, mother, daughter, etc). The TWILIGHT series follows Bella and Edward (for the most part) through high school. I wish people would get this one right...

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August 31, 2008

TSS - Paranormal or Mind Tricks?

The weather took a bit of a turn last night. A rather large change from the sweltering days we experienced early last week when the temperatures reached 110°F during the day and 83°F at night. It feels almost like autumn now, and I like it. Save for the wind, that is. Don't get me wrong, I love the wind. I just don't love it when it reaches 30mph and attempts (and succeeds) to knock down my fence. Yes, the wind blew down a section of old fence towards the front of the house. Not that I'm complaining, much. The top fence board was snapped from the last big wind and was never replaced while the flats where so old and rotten they no longer hold a nail. I really must remind the landlord to fix that before winter sets in...

Needless to say, the day was very nice and of a perfect temperature for reading. Which I did. I pulled out the new books I received from Harper Collins and picked two that looked interesting. TEMPTED BY NIGHT by Elizabeth Boyle was the first that caught my eye. This paranormal historical tells the tale of Lady Hermione Marlowe who is positively in love with Lord Rockhurst, though she hasn't the courage (or the stomach) to speak with him directly. Rockhurst on the other hand (our dashing-yet-misunderstood hero) is a demon hunter. Sounds like so many other tales, doesn't it? Not so! Our hero has the *ahem* luck to make quite a fool of himself while battling the forces of evil and our heroine, while not gagging over the sight of her beloved (yes, I said gagging) has the tendency to turn invisible once night falls. At times the story tells more like an adventure than a romance, and I like that! This book has depth! Yay!

The second book I pulled out is THE DEVIL WEARS TARTAN by Karen Ranney. This one is about Miss Davina McLaren who has fallen from grace and must marry to save her tarnished reputation. Marshall Ross, known as the Devil of Ambrose, has made his offer and Davina accepts her fate. But there is a reason Davina was chosen, and none of them are love. The Devil, you see, has a traumatic past that has left him raving mad at times--unaware of his own actions--and as the last Ross of his clan, has a desire to produce an heir before he dies.

So far I am very happy with both books. They both read very smoothly, are delightful and fun, with nicely created plots and characters. I find Hermione a bit flighty, but Rockhurt is perfect for her and the duo keep the story light and entertaining. Davina, on the other hand, seems a bit cynical and Marshall a bit accepting, but the pair fit with the stories more dark feel. As of right now, I recommend them both!

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What I'm Reading - The Devil Wears Tartan

The Devil Wears Tartan by Karen Ranney
Published by Avon
ISBN: 978-0-06-125242-6
Genre: Romance-Historical
Release: August 26 2008

A man in the shadows

Some say he is dangerous. Others say he is mad. None of them knows the truth about Marshall Ross, the Devil of Ambrose. He shuns proper society, sworn to let no one discover his terrible secret. Including the beautiful woman he has chosen to be his wife.

A fallen woman

Only desperation could bring Davina McLaren to the legendary Edinburgh castle to become the bride of a man she has never met. Plagued by scandal, left with no choices, she has made her bargain with the devil. And now she must share his bed.

A fire unlike any they've ever known

From the moment they meet, Davina and Marshall are rocked by an unexpected desire that leaves them only yearning for more. But the pleasures of the marriage bed cannot protect them from the sins of the past. With an enemy of Marshall's drawing ever closer and everything they now cherish most at stake, he and Davina must fight to protect the passion they cannot deny.

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What I'm Reading - Tempted by the Night

Tempted by the Night by Elizabeth Boyle
Published by Avon
ISBN: 978-0-06-137322-0
Genre: Romance-Historical/Paranormal
Release: August 26 2008

A Secret Admirer . . .

They say he's a shameless rake who cares for nothing but pleasure, a rogue who spends his nights in London's lustiest locales, gambling and carousing until dawn. But Lady Hermione Marlowe refuses to believe that the handsome gentleman she's loved from afar for so long could be so wicked. If only she had a way to prove to the ton that Lord Rockhurst is as proper as the rest. If only she knew what he really did under cover of the night . . .

A Clandestine Encounter . . .

Lord Rockhurst knows what they say about him, and he doesn't care. Let them think his nights are filled with craven debauchery. Only he knows his true purpose, his dangerous goal. But when a mysterious woman falls into his arms—and thereby saves his life—Rockhurst will struggle to save his secret. Who is this creature with such tempting curves and an enticing touch? Rockhurst can only wonder how he can trust her . . . for he knows he cannot resist her.

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August 30, 2008

Oh, Goodies!

I went to town yesterday which is always a very interesting experience. First: let me tell you that it's not a town but a small city. At least thats what everyone is saying and since there are so many more people there than in my town, I'd have to agree with them. Second: it was 108 here in Northern California. 108F and us with a 16 year-old van with no air conditioning and only 2 roll-downable windows! Needless to say the ride was not all that pleasant but could have been worse. But it was fun. The day that is, not the ride. Since we where only there to pick up some baby mice (their mama was squished!) we didn't have any houses lined up and didn't have the urge to look for any, so we spent the day in the mall and shopping (though, believe it or not, we bought very little. And now that I think of it, I didn't go into one bookstore. I must be loosing my touch).

I did come home to goodies though! A small package from Random House and a large one from Harper Collins. Who needs to go to the bookstore when you're a reviewer. Ok, I guess I do. There are some interesting books coming out this next month (another Bladesman book, titles by Jodi Picoult, Elizabeth Boyle, and Diane Mott Davidson), and I even have extras I can use as goodies. 4 or them, actually. Yay!

I guess I better work on the site some more so I can set up some contests. Yah, I could set them up now, but the blog for The Gilded Pen isn't working either. *sigh* You gata love technology... right?

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August 26, 2008

Speed Reading, Skim Reading, and Reading in General

I'm afraid I missed yet another Sunday Salon this week. Sure I 'read' and yes I was online, but I didn't post anything or visit anybody else's blogs, so I missed it. Nothing to do now but put up mental post-it notes to remind me to participate next weekend (I don't use real post-it notes because 1. the Post-It company test on animals and 2. I feel they are just a big waste of paper).

Any-who, I've been going through a box of 'favorites' in the hopes that I can release a few into the wild and thus make some more room on my shelves. Yes, for more books. Makes sense, doesn't it? Release the old, bring in the new? Yes, well... As I was saying, I was going through my 'favorites' and had to refresh my memory on a few. When I do this I skim read (skim read = reading dialog, select scenes and skipping most of the book) because it's just faster. I can enjoy the book, see if I still like it or the author's voice, and go through many in a very short time. This got me to thinking. Is this really the right way to read? As an aspiring author it makes me think: "Will I be spending the next 6 months poring over words and staring at my monitor so some reader can just skim through it?" Hum. Should I really even care that some one is skim reading my book (it is being read, and bought!, after all)? Is this some sort of cheat-reading, much like speed reading? I consider speed reading as cheat-reading because the mind doesn't have time to digest emotions fast enough and I would assume the reader can't enjoy the book's full potential. Really, though, I wouldn't know as I can't speed read.

I guess it all comes down to: Does it matter? Reading is becoming such a lost-art, especially among young people, does it even matter how they read? Speed, skim, chop, backwards. If somebody is reading, should one really care how?

Oh, and if you haven't figured it out yet, I DID redesign the blog and I think I'm going to be sticking with it for a while. I found my old layout that went with my old website, but I don't want to try fixing the coding right now. Not while I'm working on The Gilded Pen... Ug.

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August 18, 2008

What I'm Reading - The Matchmaker of PĂ©rigord

The Matchmaker of PĂ©rigord by Julia Stuart
Published by Harper
ISBN: 978-0-06-143507-2
Genre: Fiction/Chick Lit
Release: August 2008

Barber Guillaume Ladoucette has always enjoyed great success in his tiny village in southwestern France, catering to the tonsorial needs of Amour-sur-Belle's thirty-three inhabitants. But times have changed. His customers have grown older—and balder. Suddenly there is no longer a call for Guillaume's particular services, and he is forced to make a drastic career change. Since love and companionship are necessary commodities at any age, he becomes Amour-sur-Belle's official matchmaker and intends to unite hearts as ably as he once cut hair. But alas, Guillaume is not nearly as accomplished an agent of amour, as the disastrous results of his initial attempts amply prove, especially when it comes to arranging his own romantic future.

For every reader who adored Chocolat, Julia Stuart's The Matchmaker of PĂ©rigord is a delectable, utterly enchanting, and sinfully satisfying delight.

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August 17, 2008

Anne Celebrates 100 Years

Please be advised that it is 2:30 in the morning. While I may not have the best grammar on a good day, it is simply folly to expect this post to be legible.

Some guy is shooting out in the orchards and it's quite unnerving, so I'm sitting up browsing the New York Time's book reviews until he stops or I pass out. In doing so, I just stumbled across a review for Irene Gammel's LOOKING FOR ANNE OF GREEN GABLES: The Story of L. M. Montgomery and her Literary Classic {buy from Amazon}. As you can probably tell from the title it's basically a biography of Montgomery during her early years.{the review can be viewed here}

In reading the review I learned that Montgomery had based her ideal of Anne the main character in the series, on an early portrait of Evelyn Nesbit; a 1900's model and actress who was believed to be the catalyst for the death of Stanford White. Being somewhat of a quizzical sort, I googled her (yes, googled. I use it, it's not just a term). Wikipidia was the first site I found that had a rather nice collection of information. Ther story, in and of it's self, is a very tragic tale.

But more than that I learned that June was the 100'th anniversary of the publication of ANNE OF GREEN GABLES. I have only really read 2 of the series, though I've had them all at one point. I was a huge fan of the Disney series AVONLEA, and have seen (and liked!) the movies, but I felt a little awed ringing that out. Despite receiving a negative review by The New York Times during it's original release, the book has done better than well. Published in the same format as the original--including cover, illustrations, and typographical errors-- by Putnam Books, the new 100'th anniversary edition give you a further glance into the world that Montgomery knew and it looks to be a very intriguing collectors item.{buy from Amazon}

Just had to share. Now, back to your reading. The shooting has stopped so I'm off to bed!

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August 15, 2008

Yup, It's Still Summer

My little sister went to her high school orientation today. School, you see, starts in 4 lonely little days. That means, in all inevitability, that summer is almost over! Bah. You wouldn't think it considering the current temp up here amongst the pine trees and mountains is 112°F. Sure it's California, but it's NORTHERN California (and I do not consider Sacramento or San Francisco areas as northern. They are more like mid California). There are pine trees and ski ranges up here, doesn't that mean we get cooler summers? Hum, guess not.

Things that need doing:
- Write and mail query letter for Bitten
- Complete proposal for Bitten (synopsis and 3 chapters)
- Complete and fix wordpress upgrade for The Gilded Pen
- Write 20 Reviews

Words written: 159
Motor-less Miles Traveled: 9.7

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August 11, 2008

What I'm Reading - Before I Wake

Before I Wake by Kathryn Smith
Published by Avon
ISBN: 978-0-06-134027-7
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release: August 2008

You may call it a dream job . . .

And in some ways, you'd be right. I actually get paid to study people's dreams. It comes much easier than my employers at the Sleep Center suspect; after all, I, Dawn, am the daughter of the king of the dream world, and I can roam the dreams of others, battling the nightmares that plague them.

I call it a nightmare . . .

Honestly, I could use a good night's sleep. But ever since I met Noah Clarke, I'm even more torn between the two worlds: smart, sexy, and able to control his own dreams, Noah could be my perfect man—except he's being stalked in his sleep by an unearthly evil, hell-bent on destroying him . . . and the entire world.

Kindle - Amazon - Barns & Noble - Books-a-Million - Borders

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A Little Pampering

I'm giving myself a mini-pedicure and manicure. Why? Does any woman need a why to get a pedicure or manicure?

My brother bought himself a new puppy for his/his girlfriend's birthday. On top of the fact that I'm incredibly jealous of my 19 year-old brother and his new little playmate, I feel horrible about it! I mean, come on! how pathetic can a person be? I--26 year old woman with two cats, a bird, and (kinda) a horse--feel jealous over a 19 year-old-just-out-of-high-school boy. Over a dog. A dog that, in all honestly even though it's a puppy isn't the cutest thing I've ever seen (or even close too, really).

So I'm doing my nails (all 10 of them) listening to Eisley and reading BEFORE I WAKE by Kathryn Smith while they dry. Right now I just need to decide what color to pait them: black or midnight.

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August 10, 2008

Is It Really Sunday Again?!

I just looked at the clock. 1:40. Yup, it's Sunday. Again. Yes, yes, I know I don't sound all that enthused and, to be truthful, I'm not. No, I'm not happy that yet another week has passed. Not happy that I am still reading the same book I was reading earlier this week (as a reviewer I need to throw back at least two a week). I'm not happy that I have not completed the work I needed to get done. So, no. I'm not happy. Of course it may also be that it is1:40 in the morning and I'm tired. I really should just go to bed.

But before I do that I wanted to tell you what I'm reading. This weekend I'm finishing up Julia Quinn's MR. CAVENDISH, I PRESUME. I'm not as thrilled with this one as I was with THE LOST DUKE OF WYNDHAM. Yes, it's a good story that reads nicely but I am reading a story that I've basically already read. There isn't much of anything new. Yes, these are different characters with different circumstances, but the whole basis is the same and rather anti-climatic. Quinn would have had a better set of novels if she had taken a cue from Debra Dier and simply had elements of the novels overlap as Dier did in DEVIL'S HONOR and SAINT'S TEMPTATION (two of my all-time favorite novels which really should be re-printed). I am currently on page 260 of 370. With luck, I'll finish this and still have room to start something else.

See also: What I'm Reading - Mr. Cavendish, I Presume

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What I'm Reading - Mr. Cavendish, I Presume

Mr. Cavendish, I Presume by Julia Quinn
Published by Avon
ISBN: 978-0-06-087611-5
Genre: Historical Romance
Release: September 30th, 2008

Amelia Willoughby has been engaged to the Duke of Wyndham for as long as she can remember. Literally. A mere six months old when the contracts were signed, she has spent the rest of her life waiting. And waiting. And waiting . . . for Thomas Cavendish, the oh-so-lofty duke, to finally get around to marrying her. But as she watches him from afar, she has a sneaking suspicion that he never thinks about her at all . . .

It's true. He doesn't. Thomas rather likes having a fiancĂ©e—all the better to keep the husband-hunters at bay—and he does intend to marry her . . . eventually. But just when he begins to realize that his bride might be something more than convenient, Thomas's world is rocked by the arrival of his long-lost cousin, who may or may not be the true Duke of Wyndham. And if Thomas is not the duke, then he's not engaged to Amelia. Which is the cruelest joke of all, because this arrogant and illustrious duke has made the mistake of falling in love . . . with his own fiancĂ©e!

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August 9, 2008

A Bit of an Update

I've been a bit busy the past week or so. The Gilded Pen is coming nicely, as well as the layout for G.P. Manga! I'm happy; it's been taking forever! That leaves me in the position of finding all my reviews. Yuck. How can my computer and my website crash so close to each other? What I don't have saved to my notebook or posted to Shelfari has to be re-written. That's about 31-40 books...

Other than that, I finished The Redheaded Princess. Not bad for a historical but felt a bit lacking, at least for me. It was easy to read, though, and was rather well researched so would make a great read for anybody under 18 who would like to learn about the young Queen Elizabeth I.

Oh, and I've decided to walk to San Francisco. No, not REALLY (that would take me forever! It's a 4 hour drive!!). I taking a page from C.E Murphy's book Right now she's walking to Isengard. I'm not quite that creative, so I'm walking to San Francisco (the back way since it's rather stupid to walk along the highway/freeway). That makes it a total of 289 miles. Lets see... 289 miles is about 38437 calories which is 11 lbs... Wow, sounds like a lot of work for a little weight.

Miles to San Francisco: 289

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August 5, 2008

What I'm Reading - American Widow

American Widow by Alissa Torres
Published by Villard / Random House
ISBN: 978-0-345-50069-4
Genre: Autobiography/Memoir - Graphic Novel
Release: September 2nd, 2008

On September 10, 2001, Eddie Torres started his dream job at Cantor Fitzgerald in the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The next morning, he said goodbye to his 7½-months-pregnant wife, Alissa, and headed out the door.

In an instant, Alissa’s world was thrown into chaos. Forced to deal with unimaginable challenges, Alissa suddenly found herself cast into the role of “9/11 widow,” tossed into a storm of bureaucracy, politics, patriotism, mourning, consolation, and, soon enough, motherhood.

Beautifully and thoughtfully illustrated, American Widow is the affecting account of one woman’s journey through shock, pain, birth, and rebirth in the aftermath of a great tragedy. It is also the story of a young couple’s love affair: how a Colombian immigrant and a strong-minded New Yorker met, fell in love, and struggled to fulfill their dreams. Above all, American Widow is a tribute to the resilience of the human heart and the very personal story of how one woman endured a very public tragedy.

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July 28, 2008

What I'm Reading - The Redheaded Princess

I love letting people know what I'm reading. Heck, that's part of my job. I read and share my thoughts with you. Lately I've found that just posting an Amazon link on my twitter was just so... boring. So I have come up with a new idea. I'll post the book and cover blurb on the site for you to check out yourself. I know, that sounds like an offal lot of work, but I don't post enough as it is.

So here's today's book. This one is another YA (because I was in the mood) and a historical to boot!

The Redheaded Princess by Ann Rinaldi
Published by HarperCollins
ISBN: 978-0-06-073374-2
Genre: YA-Historical

A princess in exile...

Growing up, Elizabeth fears she can never be Queen. Although she is the King's daughter, no woman can ever hope to rule over men in England, especially when her mother has been executed for treason.

For all her royal blood, Elizabeth's life is fraught with danger and uncertainty. Sometimes she is welcome in the royal court; other times she is cast out into the countryside. With her position constantly changing, the Princess must navigate a sea of shifting loyalties and dangerous affections. At stake is her life—for beheading is not uncommon among the factions that war for the Crown.

With the vivid human touch that has made her one of the foremost writers of historical fiction, Ann Rinaldi brings to life the heart and soul of the young Elizabeth I. It's a portrait of a great leader as she may have been as she found her way to the glorious destiny that lay before her.

Kindle - Amazon - Barns & Noble - Books-a-Million- Borders

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July 25, 2008

Sometimes life can be such a bitch

I took a dive into my YA TBR pile this last week, pulling out DAIRY QUEEN and THE OFF SEASON by Catherine Gilbert Murdock. I saw PRINCESS BEN at my local Barns & Nobles and I really liked the look of it, so I figured "What the heck" and pulled down those two.

I'm really glad I did, too. They where just so... real. Both books are part of the 'Dairy Queen' series and is told by the hand of Darlene Joyce "D.J." Schwenk. I admit it was a bit odd at first; the story written like it was pulled from 16 year-old D.J.'s head with all her quirks. But Murdock pulled it off fantastically. So fantastically, in fact, that by the end your surprised it's written by a grown woman and not a 16 year-old.

In the first book, DAIRY QUEEN, you fallow D.J. as she runs her family's dairy farm--if somewhat reluctantly. The Schwenks, you see, are huge football fans. The father played in the army and hurt his hip, the two older brothers are away to college on football scollerships, and the younger brother is in junior ball--and winning--and allowed to slack off. That leaves D.J. with an above average knowledge of the game and a little resentment. When she's asked to teach the rival town's starting quarterback, Brian Nelson, work ethics (the Schwenks are very hard working) she never expected to find herself coaching him or wanting to try out for the high school football team!

THE OFF SEASON, the second book, starts just days after the first one ends (though I had to admit Murdock did a great job of making it possible of being a stand-alone). D.J. again tells her story, but this one is a bit more of an emotional roller coaster ride. D.J.'s feelings for Brian are growing leaving her wondering what will become of the hot-jock and not-so-hot, taller-than-average farm girl. Her brother is more quiet than usual (if such a thing is possible) and may have a couple secrets of his own. Then there's this thing with her oldest brother... well, I can't tell you without messing with your emotional roller coaster. Needless-to-say it isn't very good.

Murdock is planning a third book in the series. Thank goodness!

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July 8, 2008

Tru Blood - My new drink of choice. Maybe.

I'm messing around with Myspace tonight. No real reason, really, I guess I'm just board. Well, while doing one of those stupid little 'guess the movie' quizzes I stumbled across an add for Tru Blood, the synthetic blood nourishment beverage for all those hungery vampires out there. Seriously, they've sold me on their advertising and packaging alone (I'm such a consumer... No pun intended).

I guess there's a new show airing on HBO that asks the question: What if a synthetic blood drink was created and the vampire race could finaly anouce themselves to the world. Hum... Sounds like they are pigy-backing on the vampire craze that's been sweeping the entertainment *caugh-book-caugh* world. Still looks like it could be interesting. Of course I don't have cable (good 'ol rabit ears for me!) so I may never know. Is it possible for a person to TVo it and mail me the box? Probably not. *sigh* I guess I'll have to catch it when it comes to DVD. I still want the drink, though. I'm type O. Yum.

Check out for videos, find out your tipe at the Tru Blood beverage site, or check out news about the show at the HBO Tru Blood site.

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July 6, 2008

TSS: A midnight snack

It is a little after midnight here in sunny *cough* California and I'm still wide awake. That's fine, I suppose, since it is Sunday and I'm a creative soul (so I've done little to be called creative today. That's nothing to fuss over). I needed to blog about my latest read, DEAD GIRLS ARE EASY by Terri Garey, before I forget what I thought about it in my sleeping hours. Why can't I just write it down? What fun would that be?!

So, as I just stated, I've finished Terri Garey's DEAD GIRLS ARE EASY. Now, at first it was a bit odd. It read like a blog and I got the wrong impression of Nicki (seriously, she's not goth and is more like a rich, dark, er, romantic emo?). It also seamed like a re-hash of Medium/Ghost Whisperer (god, I hate that show!) but I'm happy to say it wasn't. Nicki Styx is a smartalic romantic-punk who, after a brush with death, can see ghosts.

I wouldn't call the book 'edgy but Garey managed to pull off a very entertaining story that wasn't too bogged down with a sappy, melodramatic romance. Joe (the good Dr.) was entertaining and made a great partner for Nicki. And while I couldn't call Garey's writing style the best, her imagination alone created enough of a 'good thing' with it's twisted plot, sharp and unexpected turns turns, and great humor that I'd gladly read the next Nicki Styx novel.

As a matter-of-fact I'm off to read it now (who needs sleep anyways, hum?)

Buy it now! Kindle - Amazon - Barns & Noble - Books-a-Million- Borders - Waldens

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June 23, 2008

No time for reading in another Sunday Salon

Ok, so my posting times tend to run a bit on the dark side of the day. Sue me. On second thought, please don't. I'm broke as it is!

It's Sunday again, the start of another week and another Sunday Salon. It's just too bad neither have gone the way I would have liked. Don't get me wrong, the day was well enough but I got next to nill done from my weekend to-do list. I'm not surprised, really, as this is the norm for me.

To keep those of you who are here for the books interested, I've got two on my plate this week. The first is Three Nights Of Sin by Anne Mallory. I've been reading this one for the past couple of days and am currently on page 192 of 371. Despite my very slow progression through the novel, I like it. The writing is very smooth and easy to read, the situation the characters find themselves in is actually believable and not forced, and the romance is not quite so blatant. (As we all know, over stressed romance can actually ruin a book. Yes, it's a well known fact... erm, I think). Well, in my opinion anyways. Still hate the cover, though. I'm not adverse to a hot guy all over a hot girl, but when it makes the novel appear like some smut-fest? Shesh!

The second book is Eve Kenin's Hidden, the sequel to Driven. The first wasn't horrible, save maybe a bit over weighed with made-up terms. Essential for creating a nice sci-fi environment, but when over done? Annoying. I hope she mellowed down with this new book. She has a nice plot going that could make for a nice series. That is if she doesn't send us to sleep with over defining!

Lastly, I have a new bird! I've never had one before, save for chickens, so I'm feeling a little excited. He was originally part of a pair but his mate was taken by another to be with his bird. It's sad, really. My poor little guy has lost his birdy girlfriend and is now stuck in a new home with strangers! I don't feel too sad, though. His name is Q and his mate was Barbie... Get it? Barbi. Q. *sigh* It's like some sad redneck joke! And before you get all uppity, I live in the middle of a cow-town and I know my fair number of rednecks.

I'm off to bed before I insult anybody else...

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June 14, 2008

Midnight Research

I've been doing research this week of the... unique kind. After browsing the blogs of some of my favorite authors and noticing how many of them have published well over 10 novels in less than 5 years while I have yet to publish one, a spark has been lit within me. Jealousy and envy have officially renewed my passion to complete my own novels. So begins a new round of research.

This time I've been researching the early erotic novel. Yes, I know! This is quite a shocking subject for me to be researching, but my new novel demands to be told. What's left to do but cave, do the research and tell it? What I have found so far is a collection of rather... interesting titles; The Gentleman's Bottle companion and Songs of Innocence and of Experience just to name a few. It's always interesting what comes up with a little aggressive digging. Always interesting, I'm hopping that this will be one of my more entertaining ideas.

Of course, doing research of any kind after midnight will leave one hopping for the best. With the mind as foggy and sleep deprived as mine is, I can almost believe it, too.

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June 9, 2008

TRUST ME, it's another Sunday Salon

It's Sunday again and while I may not have been posting as regularly as I'd like I have been reading. And reading. And reading. As it stands, I am currently engaged in 3 books, each one quite different from the last.

The book I currently have grasped in my not-so-grubby little hands is the newly released TRUST ME by Brenda Novak; a romantic suspense by one of the genre's greatest.

Four years ago Skye Kellerman was attacked in her bed by a knife wielding rapist. While she was able to defend herself and wound her attacker, the trauma that was caused has stuck with her ever since. Now Sky, along with two friends--other women who are also survivors of tragedy and pain--, runs an organization dedicated to helping other victims of crime. But Sky's past still haunts her and with the news that Oliver Burk, her attacker, is to be released from prison in just a matter of days, Skye can't manage to grab a decent nights sleep. Luckily for Sky she's not alone. Detective David Willis, the investigator who was assigned to her case, still believes Burk to be a danger to society as well as a mass murderer. With both Skye and him digging into Burk's past, how may more secrets will surface before he's put away for good?

So far the novel is enjoyable. Novak has created a very in-depth plot with twists and turns that don't leave one lost or confused. Her story telling is consistent (Un-consistent story telling, plot lines, and tone tend to drive me nuts!) and her characters are well defined. While not as suspenseful as most, TRUST ME is keeping me intrigued enough to keep reading. In fact, I keep forgetting this is a romantic suspense so when those little romance novel nuances pop up they annoy the hell out of me.
I'm currently on page 218 of 435

Before this I was, and I guess still am, reading next month's ETERNAL PLEASURE by Nina Bangs. This one is a paranormal romance with an emphasis on sex.

When Kelly Maloy is offered a rather handsome sum to drive a man around town for a couple of weeks, she jumps on it. Her career at a local zoo may be emotionally fulfilling but it doesn't offer much in the way of pay and college isn't going to pay for its self. But she wasn't expecting the oh-so-sexy Ty Endeka or the terror and desire he stirred in her. What she also didn't expect was that Ty had the soul of a prehistoric menace or that he was the eleventh in a group of defenders who may be humanity's last chance at survival.

This one started out very intriguing but quickly devolved into a paranormal with the soul of an erotica. Sure, the call for sex and "bone deep" desire when paired with a great story telling can create a very moving story, but when it becomes over powering? Yah, not my cup of tea. Besides, it tends to weaken the plot. Another thing that annoyed me was Ty. Ok, so he has the soul of T. Rex. Got it. His boss, Fin, has given him the knowledge of man kind. Got that, too. What I don't get is why Ty doesn't understand emotion but understands everything else perfectly well. *sigh* So damn annoying...
I'm currently on page 160 of 308

Lastly, the book that I started with, TEMPTATION OF THE WARRIOR by Margo Maquire. A historical romance that is borderline paranormal fantasy. I guess.

To save his people from destruction, Merrick Mac Lochlainn has traveled through time into the 19th century in search for a magical jewel. He knows it won't be easy but he never expected trouble would find him so quickly. Trouble would be Jenny, the orphan turned teacher who is being accosted by bandits. When the handsome and powerful stranger saves her only to be injured himself, Jenny feels a deep need to help him despite her rush to track down the woman who stole her last family heirloom. And with a band of gypsies calling him her husband, she sees no desire to disagree. At least not until the handsome stranger who stirs her maiden blood can take care of himself.

It's at this point, when Jenny is thick in the gypsy caravan, that the story slows. I mean really slows. Despite her innocence and jaded look towards men, Jenny finds herself deeply attracted to Merrick. So attracted that she's finding it hard to fight off his advances . But Jenny won't let herself get too close to him because she believes, quite adamantly, that he's married. Merrick, despite his memory loss, believes he is married to Jenny (as he would, since everybody around him says so and the attraction they feel for each other just screams "We are married!"...). Throw in some jealousy and you have 50% of the novel. All of which occurs in the caravan. There is some magic thrown in at the end, but I haven't seen much of it yet. I just hope this one gets better, not worse.
I'm currently on page 80 of 375

So that's it for my Sunday. That's also it for my week, basically. I did receive my very first yaoi manga, but that's a post for another day.

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April 28, 2008

Manga and Sunday Salon...

... a good combination? I think so (of course, manga and anything is a good combination. Especially manga and iced mochas!). If you haven't read a manga yet, do so! They are so very addicting it's scary. As of right now I'm reading Absolute Boyfriend ( 絶対彼氏 Zettai Kareshi) by Yuu Watase and it's a keeper! The art isn't the very greatest (it's like everything else out there, I would say) but I like it, and sometimes it's hard to tell one male character apart from another, but the story line, characters, and hilarity are just too intriguing and fun!

Absolute Boyfriend is the story of an average high school girl who, for the life of her, can not get a boyfriend. Honestly, the poor girl is like an anti-boyfriend magnet! It is hinted (ok, bashed upon us) that the reason she can't attract a boy is because of her rather small chest size (let me warn you now, this manga does... insinuate quite a lot and is rated 16+). So what does she do? She orders one on a trial basis. If she fails to return him in 3 days she'll have to pay 100 million yen (roughly 1 million bucks!). Ouch. You know what happens, right? You guessed it; she keeps him. So how does that work? She has a robotic boyfriend living in her apartment, still has to attend school, oh, and did I mention an old school friend who has had a crush on her forever is living next door! What happens? You'll just have to read it and find out.

So far I've enjoyed vol 1 and 2, vol 3 was a bit repetitive for my tastes ("Have sex! Have sex! Let's have sex!!") but the story was saved in vol 4 by a new twist. Vol 6 is a kicker, folks, so brink a hankie (and if you're like me, buy it last!!).

Now, I'm off! If you have any questions about it, just ask. Happy reading all.

Yes, yes, yes! The covers link to the amazon store so you can check out each volume and perhaps buy it ^_^ Come on, I know you want too!! Besides, if you don't you wont read a great story and I wont get payed!

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April 26, 2008

From 3rd Grade to Japan?

I've been thinking for a while now that I wouldn't mind becoming a teacher. Notably a teacher of 3rd grade as I'm very good with younger children. I can talk to them, encourage them, play with them, and teach them without looking down at them or letting them run all over me. I also think they feel comfortable in my presence (which was again confirmed the other day when two young boys walked up to me and just started chatting away despite my black nails and black eyes). So why not? There aren't enough teachers that can stand children as it is. And me? I'm nothing more than a big kid at heart.

Now, before I ever got fully settled with this decision, I looked at my writing and the huge stack of books on my desk and thought: but I really want to be a writer! What am I thinking? I LOVE writing. I want to be published. I want to be a professional, sitting in my little corner looking out at the world. I want to go down to the local coffee shop or the park and just sit back, day dream, and write! Teaching would just get in the way. So I pushed the teaching idea aside and focused on my writing. Yes, I know. Little good that is doing me as I have yet to FINISH a single damn thing...

Which brought me to my current path. Research can be such a wonderful thing sometimes; a pain in the ass at others. I believe I spent 4 hours looking up upper-secondary schools in Japan for my current novel. Conclusion: Uuugg... For those in a similar boat (really, though, who but me is this nuts?) here's some links: Secondary Education In Japan (wiki), Another Wiki (with a really long name!) , and The JET Program.

Now, that last one brought the 'Why not be a teacher' in me out again. The JET Program is a pragram (duh) for anyone who would like to teach English in Japan and make money doing it with no previous teaching or Japanese language knowledge. I've known of this program for a while now and have been considering it for just as long. It was probably the whole "How can I get to Japan with out it costing me so damn much?" mentality. That or the "Ug! I have to wait half a year for the next season to be fan subbed?!" Anyways, I found them again and started thinking. Why not? I'd love to visit Japan, I wouldn't mind teaching, and hey, I'm young. Four years getting a degree in English (or something) with being a TA interspersed then I'd be set.

Of course that just puts me back at my 'I want to be a writer!' but for now, this is more interesting. So I'll be thinking about it. It is 4 1/2 years away. At least! That means I'll be 30... Hum... that seams a little old to be an 'exchange teacher'... Well, I'll still think about it. You never know, I may be published by then and going to Japan for research.

Some more links for those interested: A current JET teacher, A former JET, Lucky Isle-a current JET, BigDaikon (a JET forum).

Boy, I really do ramble, don't I? And what the heck is up with all the italicizing?! As usual I don't apologize for any misspellings, grammatical errors, or views of opinion. I wrote it knowing it was going to be seen. I can live with the criticisms.

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March 16, 2008

Vampires and another Sunday Salon

It seems like forever since the last time I bloged on Sunday. It seems like forever since I actually read, too, which really isn' like me. Perhaps I need my head examined... or a nice, extra large iced mocha.

This Sunday I'll be reading VAMPIRES ARE FOREVER by Lynsay Sands. I recently finished THE ACCIDENTAL VAMPIRE (also by Lynsay Sands) and I'm not really looking forward to V.A.F. due to the fact that T.A.V. was simply to... well, lame might be too harsh of a word, but I honestly can't thing of another word that fits. The story was just to mellow and unexciting for a novel not marketed as such. Character development was very thin, the ending was extremely anti-climatic, and the town of Port Henry?! Mayberry reincarnate. Sugary sweet is all well and fine, but come on! There are 6 vampires in town and somebody trying to commit murder, spice it up a bit!!

Perhaps it's the fact that I've come in at book 7 that it seems so week, but I seriously hope not. I still have to read VAMPIRE INTERRUPTED after V.A.F.

That would be another thing that makes me twitch. The titles. I'm sure Mrs Sands came up with her titles to be witty and cute, but shesh. Vampire Interrupted=Girl Interrupted, Vampires Are Forever=Diamonds are forever, A Bite To Remember= A night to remember, Bite Me If You Can=Catch Me If You Can... get my drift? She hasn't used One Bite Stand yet, but I'm sure that's either because Nina Bangs beat her to it or it's in the works and just hasn't been published yet. Ug, I hope not.

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March 6, 2008

What Ever

Long time, not post. Don't ask me why, as I don't have a viable excuse. I don't have any excuse really, save for perhaps I'm lazy. But I felt like I needed to vent, to re-leave pressure, so here I am.

I've been terribly depressed lately and I don't really know why. Perhaps it's the fact that I have no direction in my life, or perhaps it's my lack of ambition, my lack of friends, or my lack of self, my lack of money, my lack of... Needless to say, I look at my self and see nothing I would be proud of. Yes, I admit that I'm nice and friendly, but how far does that get you in life when you don't have anything to back it up? I don't have a job, am too self conscious to get one, and don't have the skills beyond a fry-cook even if I had the nerve. I've put in some applications (at the library, at Wal-Mart, Blockbuster, etc) but don't have the drive to push.

Remember the quiet girl in the back of class who smiled when she was spoken too, was helpful and nice to everyone, but ended up walking home alone to sit in solitary until the next day? That would be me, and right now i feel it. Perhaps I just haven't found my direction in this world and this depression is just everything compressing together. I don't know. It's just horribly annoying.

I'm still in my Japanese snit. It's been roughly a year now, and It's finally escalating. I've started my 'Trip to Japan' jar, my MP3 player has more JRock on it than anything English, I've started learning Japanese (speaking and writing), and I've been watching JDramas so much I have been neglecting my reading (if it wasn't for the one hour load time, the lack of online sources, my small hard drive, and the fact that JDramas are only roughly 10 episodes long, I probably wouldn't function at all.) And before you say 'I do that too,' imagine that it's been roughly a 15hour/day thing for the last month. I'm 26, for goodness' sake! I need to get a life!!

Perhaps I'll go cry my self to sleep and dream I'm rich enough not to have to worry about all this, but instead worry about other things. That way when I wake up in the morning my life won't look quite so bad.

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January 31, 2008

January's Reads - A Recap

January, I'm surprised to say, was a very productive month. I've managed to fix most of the site and read 7 novels and 9 mangas. I'm so amazed and proud of my self. I never get this much work done. Ok, so a quick recap.

Satisfaction by Marianne Stillings
This one had a great start. Very cleanly written, plotted, and executed. The novel began to feel a bit stretched towards the end, though. Read it if you want a quick read; that's about all.

Accidentally Yours by Susan Mallery
This one was very well written, witty, and entertaining (ok, emotional). The characters where very well portrayed and I liked them or hated them, depending on what the writer wanted you to feel. Very much recommend.

Ouran High School Host Club by Bisco Hatori
vols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
The first book was a bit blah. Read it or put it down, I could have done either, but I'm glad I kept reading. Around book 3 (maybe 4) the series started picking up. I love how Haruhi doesn't really care. About anything, really. She just 'is'. He's so like me, it's scary. Loved it and can't wait for the next 10 (yah, I said 10!)

Silent in the Sanctuary by Deanna Raybourn {blog post}
This one was very well written. Raybourn has created a novel with the voice of England pounded into the pages. If you read it, I'm sure you'll love it.

The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
The beginning was a bit modern for me. The characters are so... Gossip Girl. Really, it was annoying how many 'pure' young ladies where sleeping around. Shesh. But it picked up and was actually fun to read.

This Is How It Happened by Jo Barrett
Jo Barrett has a wildly funny sense of humor. I loved this one, even though the alternating past/present chapter switch was annoying. You really do have to read it though.

The Wicked Ways of a Duke by Laura Lee Guhrke
Nicely written. Very Victorian, which you just don't see very much of in MM publications now a-days. This slipped a bit towards the end, but there was still a hint of it there. Not bad, I think.

The Good Liar by Laura Caldwell
Normally I'm not one for suspense. This one, on the other hand, was very well written. The plot was quite complex but tied up very nicely. It was also addicting! I read it in less than 3 days!! You really must read this one!

So there you have it. Hopefully next month is just a productive. Crap, I hope I didn't just jinx myself...

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January 20, 2008

It's Sunday? Again?!

It's Sunday again and I'm not reading or participating in Sunday Salon (TSS). Ok, I'm kinda reading The Luxe by Anna Godbersen, but not officially (can you not read a book officially?) and I've posed this which I guess could be participation...

In other news. Our house, an old double wide modular that looks as if it's seen more bad days than good, is sitting on what used to be an orchard. Now, I don't know how many of you have walked through an orchard in spring or winter, but the ground is so soft and moist it causes things to, well, shift and sink. I'm not saying the house is officially tipping, but it sure feels and looks that way. Or at least half of it does. That being the case we are looking to move. I'd love to get my Grandmother's old place, but unless the roof has been replaced that's a no-go (there was an electrical fire, supposedly. I have other ideas.) That leaves me with a house to clean just in case I find something. Up here, things go fast and deposits are a killer; there's no way I'm going to pay rent for two houses when I' only living in one.

Now, off to clean this warmth-forsaken place so I can get back to work. Reading!

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January 17, 2008

Silent In the Sanctuary

One of the best thing to do (and quite honestly, one of the only things to do) on a cold and blistery day, is to curl up with a cat on your lap to read a good book. Luckily for me as the winds outside whipped up to 30 mph and the temperature dropped to 40F, I had a copy of Deanna Raybourn's Silent in the Sanctuary in my grubby little hands.

For coming into a series on the second book, I have to admit I wasn't too horribly lost. Raybourn did a wonderful job of dispensing enough back story through-out the book while still leaving enough mystery intact to leave one interested in reading the first novel. I must also admit that reading the first novel would probably have been a very good idea, if only to give me a better grasp on the character's previous life, motivation, and character.

One must complement Raybourn on the wonderfully realistic dialog and banter that is the character Julia Gray. Julia is a most likable character with her Victorian wit and sensibilities, reminiscent of Jane Austin's own works. The pages themselves fairly "popped" with the essence of England and I wasn't at all surprised when I could hear accents clearly in my head.

I only have two complaints with this novel as a whole. The first would be the incredibly detailed scenes. Raybourn has build a truly wonderful and in-depth environment, fallowing Julia as she lives out her days from morning to night, and beyond. But having come from reading more fast paced novels, reading through a dinner party from first course to bed seams a bit tedious especially when it fails to move the plot along. My second complaint would be the prolonged delay and avoidance of certain topics only to keep the reader in suspense. Several times Raybourn avoided stating a name or object in hopes of building suspense to instead build annoyance.

All together I must say Silent in the Sanctuary was well worth the read and has indeed whet my apatite for more Julia Gray mysteries and more of Deanna Raybourn.

Now, to write my formal review. Don't be surprised if you see the majority of this post in it.

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