Needless to say, the day was very nice and of a perfect temperature for reading. Which I did. I pulled out the new books I received from Harper Collins and picked two that looked interesting. TEMPTED BY NIGHT by Elizabeth Boyle was the first that caught my eye. This paranormal historical tells the tale of Lady Hermione Marlowe who is positively in love with Lord Rockhurst, though she hasn't the courage (or the stomach) to speak with him directly. Rockhurst on the other hand (our dashing-yet-misunderstood hero) is a demon hunter. Sounds like so many other tales, doesn't it? Not so! Our hero has the *ahem* luck to make quite a fool of himself while battling the forces of evil and our heroine, while not gagging over the sight of her beloved (yes, I said gagging) has the tendency to turn invisible once night falls. At times the story tells more like an adventure than a romance, and I like that! This book has depth! Yay!
The second book I pulled out is THE DEVIL WEARS TARTAN by Karen Ranney. This one is about Miss Davina McLaren who has fallen from grace and must marry to save her tarnished reputation. Marshall Ross, known as the Devil of Ambrose, has made his offer and Davina accepts her fate. But there is a reason Davina was chosen, and none of them are love. The Devil, you see, has a traumatic past that has left him raving mad at times--unaware of his own actions--and as the last Ross of his clan, has a desire to produce an heir before he dies.
So far I am very happy with both books. They both read very smoothly, are delightful and fun, with nicely created plots and characters. I find Hermione a bit flighty, but Rockhurt is perfect for her and the duo keep the story light and entertaining. Davina, on the other hand, seems a bit cynical and Marshall a bit accepting, but the pair fit with the stories more dark feel. As of right now, I recommend them both!
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