I've been a bit busy the past week or so. The Gilded Pen is coming nicely, as well as the layout for G.P. Manga! I'm happy; it's been taking forever! That leaves me in the position of finding all my reviews. Yuck. How can my computer and my website crash so close to each other? What I don't have saved to my notebook or posted to Shelfari has to be re-written. That's about 31-40 books...
Other than that, I finished The Redheaded Princess. Not bad for a historical but felt a bit lacking, at least for me. It was easy to read, though, and was rather well researched so would make a great read for anybody under 18 who would like to learn about the young Queen Elizabeth I.
Oh, and I've decided to walk to San Francisco. No, not REALLY (that would take me forever! It's a 4 hour drive!!). I taking a page from C.E Murphy's book Right now she's walking to Isengard. I'm not quite that creative, so I'm walking to San Francisco (the back way since it's rather stupid to walk along the highway/freeway). That makes it a total of 289 miles. Lets see... 289 miles is about 38437 calories which is 11 lbs... Wow, sounds like a lot of work for a little weight.
Miles to San Francisco: 289
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