It looks like some dumb as- er, jerk, uploaded and distributed a draft copy of Stephanie Meyer's MIDNIGHT SUN (the final book in her TWILIGHT series). Pissed off, as she has a right to be, Meyer has refused to publish the book and is instead offering the partial online free on her website. This is both really cool of her and a bummer for book fans as it looks like the book will no longer be published. Ever (though I'm sure with fans clambering for their own personal copy of the book, it will be published sooner or latter).
BREAKING DAWN was released this last August and concludes the story of Bella and Edward. MIDNIGHT SUN is the final book in the seires, re-telling the series through Edward's eyes.
And just so people know, this is a SERIES not a SAGA. A saga fallows a family through several stories mostly from historic times to present (grandmother, mother, daughter, etc). The TWILIGHT series follows Bella and Edward (for the most part) through high school. I wish people would get this one right...
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