September 13, 2008

Nick and Nora

I'm staying up late tonight working on the blog again (like my new layout?) and watching Saturday Night Live. That is between commercials, that is.I'm watching those, too, especially when previews like the one for Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist comes on. It's been so long I forgot all about this one but it's just too hilarious to not pass on. I still haven't read the book, yet, even though it's been out for a while (I think it came out a year or two ago) so I need to get my hands on that. {You can visit the book's homepage here}

I plan on seeing the movie. It's just too funny for words. How bout you? Looks good, hu?

1 comment:

  1. I saw that trailer not too long ago when I was "in between" blogs and blog commenting...LOL. Looks like it'd be a fun one to watch. :-)

    Farrah from...
