September 15, 2008

Lessons by the River

I went walking along the river today with mom and the dog and realized 3 things. First: I'm really not that great with a camera. I took quite a bit of shots and only came up with 4 for this blog. Blah. Maybe it's not me so much as the camera it's self.. Second: It really isn't that easy to get a dog into the water when she really doesn't want to. We tried this last time and she would have none of it. This time we had treats and after I got intreat in hand, of courseit still took quite a bit of time and urging for her to get her feet wet. No pun intended. And lastly, third: The sun burns. Oh, sure, I know this one alreadylearned it at a young age, I betbut when the sun is beating down on your already fried scalp and your lips are so chapped it hurts to smile, I believe you learn your lesson a little bit more. That or it gets pounded into your thick skull until you do.

It wasn't a horrible day. Quite the opposite, really. Walking on top of all those river rocksnot a single one solid ground, mind youfor an hour or two causes you to use muscles you would normally not use unless you had a regular gym membership. It was all quite a sight, though. The watter level had dropped a few weeks earlier due to the closing of the dam so there where a number of things to see even if we didn't want to see them, and the fishy smell was gone, so it was really quite pleasant.

We only have about two months left before the rainy season starts, so we're planning on coming down every other day or so. I'm sure my thighs will be nice and strong by Thanksgiving. How the heck am I going to keep them that way through the winter?!

That log in the upper-most picture, BTW, is normally completely covered by watter in the summer. I need to go down again to take a picture of the hallow inside. Really freaky!

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