Procrastination is my middle name, though I am beginning to think it should have been my first. It has been over two weeks since I actually sat down at the computer (or even at my desk with simple pen and paper) and wrote. I do not have the right to use the excuse “I’ve been busy” because I haven’t. My web site has slowed to a trickle. There have been no new banners, no site designs, nothing and I’ve grown a little desperate to the extent that I’ve lowered my prices again. There doesn’t seem to be much of a need for web designers right now, unless they are part of the larger review community. I guess this just means I’ll not make it in the web design community.
Well, that means I need to write. And write I will! ADE is up to 12,000 + words. I have stopped working on the outline for my LUNA since it was taking way to long and I was loosing focus. I’m sorry, but I’m not a planer, I’m a pantser. I am 1,500 words shy of finishing my short story. This one has taken me so long to finish it’s amazing; I can’t wait until it’s completed and sent out!
That's it, now I’m off. A friend of mine (Aline De Chevigny) is having an author chat over at the Coffee time Romance’s message board. ( I also need to get writing. I would rather have my books finished sooner than latter.
Happy Writing,
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