March 9, 2007

Sword and Sorceress to live again!

As I do most mornings, I stumbled to my computer blurry eyed and flipped on my computer. Well, more like pushed as the computer has a button not a switch, but you get the idea. After starting the internet and my email client, I stumbled into the kitchen to start the kettle and noticed the biggest bon-fire I have ever seen practically in my front yard. Ok, it wasn’t really in my front yard, it was across the street, but fire, when it is that close to my house, is close enough. It was burning in the small area, about a quarter of an acre large, that most people in my neighborhood have been using as a yard waste pile. Lovely, right? A pile of sticks, twigs, leaves, and old Christmas trees (can you imagine how those things went up when they where tossed on the fire?!) accumulating for who knows how long. I guess the owners of this darn place have decided to get rid of it and the quickest way to do that is burn it. Would have been nice if they had told us first. They're suppose to do that, right? -sigh- It’s still smoldering (at almost 10pm). Oh, the genius of some people.

So, a little dumbfounded, I sat in my some what un-comfortable desk chair and checked my email. I bounced back the 50+ pieces of spam, replied to what letters needed a reply and finally started to read my newsletters. Ralan’s news was at the top and at the bottom of that? The announcement that Sword and Sorceress, the anthology originally edited by the late great Marion Zimmer Bradley. After her passing, the anthology continued to issue 20, filled with Marion’s picks. Issue 21 fallowed by an associate and 22 is now to fallow. Yay! So, now I have roughly a month to produce a 9,000 word short story. No problem, right... er, yah.

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