April 14, 2009

Another Cute Gadget!

Ok, so you all know I love cute little things. Like the sleepy peach tumble dolls or the Big Momo (かわいい!) that are available over at Strapya-World (I'm still waiting on those Sakura stickers, the Kawaii Bean-Jam Buns, and the white Healing Owl to be in stock...). Well, I found something else that is equally as adorable and fun.

Poken are little electronic social business cards. What they do is store your cyber information (such as for your myspace, Twitter, and Facebook accounts). When two Poken meat up, they high-four and swap business cards in a matter of seconds. Simple. Cute. Handy. No pun intended.

I bet you want one, too. Right? Oh, come on now. Say it. "I want one!" That wasn't so hard now, was it? Well, thanks to the people over at JapanSoc you have a chance. Head on over and see how. It's not like it's rocket science or anything... Hum. That really isn't a good analagy; I once knew a litteral rocket scientist who foregot to tighten the tire he was changing before driving his car.... Yah...

Ok, so where are we going today?
JapanSoc - http://japansoc.org
Poken - Official home - English site - http://poken.jp/en/
Strapya World - http://strapya-world.com


  1. Thanks for entering :) If you win one, I hope you get one of the cute ones. There are also ghosts, zombies and an Elvis lookalike!

    (P.S. The link to JapanSoc is broken)

  2. Thanks for the comment and for pointing out the broken link. >.< All fixed now!

    I did some more digging and saw all the cute ones out there! I might just start a collection!!
