With just under 5 days left of 2009, it's time to look back and plan for tomorrow. Looking back I've come to realize that I didn't do much in the way of personal growth. If I had written a New Year's resolution, I would have failed it miserably, just as I had done the years before. That's why I've come to the conclusion that resolutions are too daunting. When you have something listed and you fail withing the first month, you feel like there's no point going forward anymore. If one's willpower is not strong enough, temptation will lead them from their desired paths.
Does that mean I'm not going to make any resolutions? Not at all. I'm jut not going to let myself be swayed no matter how hard. And if I do manage to stray, I'll put myself back on track!
Here it is, my 2010 New Year's Resolutions!
- Loose 96lbs. (That's 8lbs/month or 2lbs/week).
- Write (completely) 1 novel.
- Finish 12 craft creations (one for each month).
- Read 50 novels. (I almost did this in 2008).
- Get B's or better in ALL my classes (there's only 8 of them).
- Pass JLPT 4.
- Attempt to take 1 nature shot each day.
- Complete NaNoWriMo
- Participate in ScriptFrenzy
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