I just love the internet sometimes. Ok, most of the time, but I digress. A TV show had been mentioned at a forum I frequent (Shush, Sapphire! I TRY to frequent it!) and of course it's a show that runs on cable [Blood Ties - Lifetime]. Cheepscate that I am *cough-BROKE-cough* I don't have cable or dish. I'm lucky I even have DSL. Boy, am I lucky I have DSL! A quick search of said show led me to a listing of all episodes aired so far. Free! Yay, an option for tight-fisted little ol' me! So what if each episode is broken into 5 parts; I still get to watch it.
Don't ask me how it was. I didn't get to watch it. There is this little game that is gaining popularity much the way recycling is. And some times it can be incredibly addicting. Second Life is a game you would get if The Sims and an instant messenger mated and produced offspring. Well, sort of. If you're looking for sex, drugs, and virtual depravity, you've found it in Second Life. Ok, so it's not all like that, just the majority (like 85%).
Honestly though, they are becoming a fantastic marketing device. Many *cough-LESS THAN 15- cough* authors have already promoted their books through SL. Bantam Dell has a bookshop there, author M. J. Rose promoted her book The Reincarnationist there, and author Diana Gabaldon just promoted hers. I just love the concept even if it hasn't been promoted very well. It's edgy, fun, and a wonderful addition to an authors web 2.0 promotion arsenal. I'm attempting to open up a small theater for TGP for authors to promote themselves, but I gata tell you it can get expensive. If you want it to look right you have to shell out the dough. And one thing a little place TGP doesn't have is enough money. Or luck.
I've had to re-think The Gilded Pen's teen sub. Turns out some sick freak registered TGPTeen.com to be some sort of teen pornographic site. Ug! Ug, ug, ug, ug, ug! What the **** is wrong with people?! Honestly! So the site is now going to be TGP YA. I don't like the flow of it as well, but the last thing I need is some 13 year old doing a web search and coming up with THAT. Sickos.
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