December 9, 2007

Sunday Salon: In Preporation - Dec 9

Going through my TBR pile can be pretty daunting. Finding a thin one for Sunday Salon, nearly impossible. Not this weekend! Two books fairly jumped down on me in their readiness to be read.

With it's pretty deep berry-pink spine and little rose, The Accidental Florist by Jill Churchill was the first novel to catch my eye. The cute little cat on the cover was the kicker. And, hey!, only 219 pages. Nice. So I sit my self down and wait until midnight to crack open the book. I read a few pages and stop. Uh-oh, this isn't good, it's boring! No, no. It has to be me. I just haven't gotten into the grove yet; the sentences will pick up. Page 19. Still dry, still choppy, still boring. Ok, this one's a pass.

Next book is Where Angels Go by Debbie Macomber. Nice little Christmas story which reads much smother. And at 297 pages, a sure shot for Sunday Salon. I only hope it's not to churchy... We'll see.


  1. Amber, do you usually want a short book for the Salon? I find myself always trying to start something new for it. Though today I'm near the end of a book I started last week, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

  2. Normally I start a new book for the Salon or finish up one I've been reading (like last week's ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS). I don't usually have a preference towards size, though I've found that if I read smaller books that I am more likely to finish in one day, I feel more productive. Generally I use Sundays as a day to read something I don't normally read or something I've passed over. Today's book was a passover I thought I'd give another try.

    I hope you've managed to find something to fill up the remainder of your Sunday. It's always bothersome trying to choose when the pressure is on you. Happy hunting!
