It's Sunday again and I'm in a slump.
NaNo isn't going as good as I expected, and I really don't have an urge to read (why, that's quite a shocker, isn't it?!) Perhaps it doesn't help that there are 2 teen-aged boys in my living room playing online games together with rock music blasting around them that they
insist on singing along with. Ask them to turn it down, you suggest? Well, obviously you don't live with teenage males. The argument, yelling, and pandemonium that would fallow such a suggestion would result in a headache more atrocious than the one I currently have.

Since it is Sunday and the Sunday Salon is in full swing, I supose I should at least mention that I finished
Everything Forbidden by Jess Michaels this morning (hence the over proper language in this post.) For an erotic romance it wasn't half bad, and for an erotic historical romance it was actually quite good. Sure there where some historical allowances but they were very well played (the Sandwich makes an appearance with some liberty to actually historical use.) The sex is very erotic and there is actually a story line that makes sense. That is to be expected since Jess Michaels is a pseudonym for historical author Jenna Petersen. While the characters where a bit narrow minded (sex, sex, sex) and emotions where demonstrated with limited physical descriptions (body thrown back for shock, head tiled for interest, inquiry, and confusion) this novel was enjoyable, interesting, and emotional. I must admit that this is one of the best erotic romances I've read in a very long time.
[Everything Forbidden - Jess Michaels - Avon Red - 978-0-06-128394-9 - November 2007]
Now that that's out of the way, I'm back to writing my reviews so I can start my next book, The Queen's Lady by
Shannon Drake. A historical set in the time of Mary Queen of Scots. Of course, like I said, it is Sunday. Cleaning and hose-hold shopping are on the list of things to do. Oh, it never ends!
Check out the Sunday Salon
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